Lifeline to Sanity

A father in New Jersey worries that despite his own daughter’s desistence, autistic and other vulnerable children are being swept up in the idea that transition is a solution to many problems. He highlights the organisations and individuals who have provided him a lifeline.


I’m a father in New Jersey and I’ve spent the last year swept up in the madness that is gender ideology.

Throughout my years in trans, I’ve come into contact with dozens of struggling parents that are also swept up in this madness. Most people somehow think that trans is an immutable state of being. It is not. I am happy to report that my child’s big pronouncement of trans has faded into the background, and she’s back to being her old happy, healthy, non-conformist self. This only happened because my wife and I refused to be pressured into the affirmative approach. When parents stay grounded to reality and don’t affirm, generally the kid grows out of it. Undoubtedly, this is the best outcome; for kids to grow up feeling comfortable with their natural bodies, avoiding a lifetime of medicalization and mental health struggles.

For some reason, though, our society doesn’t currently see it this way. The fact that people often desist (stop feeling trans) is carefully obscured by media and activists because it calls the whole system into question. I’ve met many parents who are open-minded, accepting, liberal-leaning people who have been pushed to the brink of insanity by all this. Because in this movement our confused kids have been indoctrinated in the false belief that they can literally become the other sex and magically fix all their problems. Instead, they can seek out and easily obtain drugs that will chemically castrate them, break down their bones and degrade their brain function. They can do this without any gatekeeping, without our permission, and without any real mental health screening or therapy.

My daughter’s successful navigation out of her identity challenge was only possible because of the extraordinary parents and mental health clinicians that are working together behind the scenes to support other parents and to protect our kids. Organisations like Genspect and clinicians like Sasha Ayad and Stella O’Malley, are a lifeline to sanity.

Parents are trying to ensure their kids’ lifelong health and happiness and children are being told to reject their loving parents and to trust outsiders that do not have their long term best interests in mind. A disproportionate amount of these children are autistic and many had prior mental health issues, or other conditions, that may be the root causes of their trans identity feelings, but they cannot get the real mental help. Most therapists just funnel them towards hormones and surgery. It’s appalling.

Parents are starting to fight back against the biggest threat to children’s mental and physical health that we’ve ever encountered. We are rising up to put a stop to indoctrination in our schools and to defend our parental rights to protect our own children. Let’s do this.